It 'been a dream for a long time already become a part of human life. It is estimated that one third of human life is celebrated in his sleep. If you live until the age of 78 years time we spend asleep is 26 years old.

However, there are people who are phobic or sleep is often referred to as Clinophobia. Clinophobia derived from the Greek, meaning klinein fold, ramp or a ramp that occurs during sleep, while Phobos means fear.

Clinophobia also called somniphobia which means an excessive fear during sleep. Someone who is experiencing fear during sleep, or what can happen when you sleep. Perhaps the fear of nightmares, fear of incontinence or fear of breathing during sleep stops. There are also some people who say they would die during sleep due to sleep Clinophobia as a person who died.

Symptoms Clinophobia each person is different, but most try to avoid sleep, but some are able to sleep and wake up several times at night because of discomfort. Usually, when you feel compelled to sleep in a panic, chest weight or agitation.

Sleep is a very important role in human health, so if a course will be weakened body functions Clinophobia such as drowsiness, fatigue, focuses not even be susceptible to disease. To help eliminate the excessive fear of this kind in general relaxation techniques, meditation and hypnotherapy are also very useful.