Fear of feet is a typical phobic condition where you feel upset and frustrated when you look at your feet, tap your feet (maybe you or someone else) or even to talk about feet. You do not even like people who come and touch your own feet. The feeling is unexplainable.

You experience a kind of malaise and a kind of anger that you can not explain.
The fear of the feet is commonly known as podophobia. You can reduce the quality of your life.Podophobia is not in any way funny or entertaining.The victim suffers from a kind of psychological imbalance, trying to cover his feet with shoes and socks, even while you sleep.
Some of the most common symptoms of fear of the legs or "podophobia" include:

  • Perspiration
  • Increased heart rate
  • Difficulty breathing

Always have a tendency to flee from situations.An extreme sense of fear and horror
But no matter how long you have suffered, despite the limitations of life you have experienced terrible because of your fear, your fear of the feet heal.Even better, the treatment does not require painful treatment, a lot of money, gambling with your health, make sacrifices of time or a long delay until the end of treatment works.Quite vice versa.

In just 10 minutes a day, you could be free of her feet, the intense fear that his life has weakened. It will not hurt.

You can do the healing in the privacy of your own home. And your treatment costs less than a third of what you normally pay for one session of 50 minutes with a psychiatrist