What phobia people? I'm sure there are some psychological official term to describe what it really is, but what I think is not necessarily the fear of people. This would mean that one man / would be afraid of his / her own kind. I do not think that's what I am referring.
Phobia of people in my definition, are those that affect or unpleasant consequences arising from the interaction with people. Shy people can relate to this direction, the better.
Shy people are usually not afraid of people they know, he meets new people who are afraid. Even then, they know the company network is important.
But there is fear of the details involved, such as;
- Having to come forward and think of interesting things to say,
- Having to talk to a later time, and build a relationship with a stranger
- Let get to know a little better.
These typically include features phobia.
There are several ways to overcome these kinds of inhibitions. Because it's all in the mind, it can be controlled or eliminated. The following are three reasons that may motivate a person to finally overcome the phobia people;
First People are not going anywhere.
Unless some sort of catastrophic extinction level event, people are going to continue. This is a surprising fact, if you take advantage of building relationships and the people, to conquer a phobia.
In fact, the mortality rate for people in general longer than ever before. This means that you have many people to practice relationship building skills.
Second More people mean more choices.
More people can mean more, especially if you are an active and confident conquering your fears. If you are not satisfied with the results that you are coming to life and business, think about all those people who are willing and able to serve to success. You should, of course, be open and willing to help others in the same way, but the possibilities are endless when it comes to people, more options.
Third Embracing the fear is a triumph.
Last but not least, is the fact that you have a winning position, and to celebrate the victory, when you take your fear. When you can take the fears and overcome them, have taken a big step forward to put them all in the past. This should be recognized as real progress, and is a sign of enormous growth. People Phobia win!
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