Phobia foot podiaphobia called mental health professionals in the field. It 'rare to find a person who has a phobia, or fear of something. Sometimes the fear is rational or reasonable. Other times, fear is not explained. In both cases, it becomes a problem that must be addressed when the fear begins to interfere with daily life, or your ability to enjoy life.

Two people can have the same fear with the same intensity with very different effects on their lives. For example, if I live downtown and I'm afraid of the sea, I could live my life without this fear really affect any of my business. If I have fear of the sea and live and work in San Diego, and this fear can be debilitating. This type of phobia that must be addressed.

Phobias in general are the thoughts that translates into physical symptoms. Physical symptoms, and strengthen the mind. Symptoms of a phobia of feet and other phobias include sweating, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, extreme anxiety and fear often felt like a knot in the stomach. You can also become irritated.

The cycle is this fear is reinforced. Do you worry about something as heart rate increases and you start to sweat. These are the physical reactions of fear that are part of the "fight or flight genetic '. The fact that you feel your racing heart tells the brain that there is indeed something to fear, which continues to cause physical reactions, which are then confirmed by fear again. This process can be so out of hand, that the physician is ultimately sought. For some, the exact cause of fear can not be known before.