Phobia of the foot can cause a variety of anxieties. A person can only be considered as the legs and try to avoid seeing them. This can lead to wear socks 24 hours a day. Some of this problem can not touch or stand with your feet touch the feet of others. This is not usually life-limiting fear, but can be uncomfortable in relationships.
There are situations where this fear can enter everyday life and cause problems. Diabetics should have their feet checked for sores because of the risk of infection. You may have set foot on a piece of glass or a nail. Imagine the terror that someone might feel compelled to take their shoes and socks and a health care professional to manage their feet. Another time that people who suffer from phobias feet tend to have problems is when they go to the house of a friend and then asked to take their shoes at the door.
The easiest way to deal with the fear of the feet is not to cause discomfort. If the point of view of the feet is what triggers uncomfortable feelings, so do what you can to prevent this. If you're at a point where drastic measures must be taken to prevent the feet, and if the fear that causes great distress and it is obvious to others, it's time to get help to remove fear.
Therapists have worked with people to overcome their phobias centuries. There are many different techniques. Usually does not need to seek the origin? The fear to overcome your fears. Treatment usually includes a combination of both methods. Therapists will help you understand that thoughts should not lead to physical symptoms and the presence of physical symptoms does not mean that the fear is reasonable.
Once you understand that the circle of thoughts, feelings and physical symptoms, the therapist can venture into something called exposure therapy. Sometimes it is easier to start this type of therapy through hypnosis, but it is not always the best method. It really depends on what the therapist, and you are comfortable with. Exposure therapy will take you through the different levels of foot controlled exposure. The therapist will help you understand that nothing bad will happen and you talk through each level of exposure until you are able to be comfortable enough with your feet you are again able to operate in life.
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