Nobody likes an item, that's for sure. But some people can take things a little 'too far. You probably should make sure that the toilet paper dispenser to dry hands are clean, and you may even want microfiber cloth cleaning cloth to make sure it stays that way. But sometimes dislike the bacteria can become a bit 'too serious, and obsessive-compulsive disorder is the result.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD, is not restricted to germ phobia. Other symptoms such as the need to turn lights on and off a few times before entering and leaving a space that is afraid of stepping on cracks or lines on the road, and other strange behavior are all signs of the possibility of OCD.

Why such a condition was created? In caveman times, it was unlikely anyone with OCD may have survived very long. The fact is that after a certain period of time they would just have to get by. This is not the case in the world we live in today. In fact, we have promoted through advertising and the media to prevent dirt, as far as we can. This means that if, in the dirt used to be simply a reality that must be dealt with, someone who has developed a fear of germs in the day can easily change their lifestyle, then come into contact with the bacteria will never a problem.

But something happens when a person is afraid of germs, so they can get out of there alive. It 'not really free of bacteria due to the fact that the bacteria really are. So even if the house could be a germ free, clean and do not desire to remain sick. So the habits that still want to get rid of non-existent germs to grow. Each piece of soap can be used for only one, the gloves should be warned before you turn the taps on and off, and a few other people can do to clean house.

What can people with OCD do to help this problem? A tip would be insensitive to say: "Just get over it." Unfortunately, even if a patient was to try their best to get over OCD is a psychological problem and a profound change in the intentions are not enough to solve the problem. Drugs are commonly proposed as a solution, and psychiatrists often prescribe medications for people with OCD. But only the soft drugs on the symptoms of OCD, without really getting at the heart of the problem.

One way to solve this problem is to have the person, address, how they live their lives. How television, with its ridiculously clean environment, they see? How much advertising, we always said we are not clean or well enough, they are exposed? With this constant barrage of voices telling us how to live, it should not be surprised that we're not all crazy?