Why do we do? Human motivation has been countless studies and many more to come. Depending on the application, with billions of hours devoted to drug addiction, abuse, eating disorders, phobias and other compulsive behaviors, human motivation is clearly not an exact science. This article can not be for you, find out if you are looking for a book. "But if you are looking for an experience of over twenty years of a man fighting his own destructive impulses, read on.

My history includes chronic phobia, anger, self-hatred, addiction to alcohol, sex, drugs, food and cigarettes. These compulsions are predictable impact on my career and relationships, leaving me only with family members who have tolerated me and my colleagues in the "low life". In my 30 with the help of God and Marsha (now my wife of 20 years), I began a long struggle towards a life free of coercion. I can not say I totally get, but most of my fears and addictions are things of the past. What remains is an excess of battle, and sometimes occasional sexual temptations ... I guess, like everyone else. Here are some of the most popular books on the control of human compulsive behavior. On my trip, I took a cycle of human motivation of a person and can not remember the book or author. What I remember is how the cycle is applied to the cause and solution of each of my compulsions. Since I do not remember the exact words, I have come to call the cycle of BAR.

, BAR stands for belief, action and results. The cycle applies to all human motivations and behavior problems, including addictions and compulsions. It is a tool to understand why we do what we do. Belief creates the action that generates results that strengthen or weaken the belief.

The belief is what drives everything we do. Beliefs about ourselves, our friends, our jobs, etc. To tell you the house was on fire and I do not think you notice. Do not believe me, you should follow a course of action. We can not always act in a manner that is inconsistent with our convictions. Therefore, an anorexic has to go without ... he thinks that is great, even when it is not.

Operating current belief. That's why we can not change our operations, and more to do. As the alcoholic believes he needs to drink to compensate for int he sees himself, and up to that belief has changed, can not stop drinking for more than a temporary basis.

The results are emotional feedback from our actions we are taking. These nourish our faith, and is strengthening or weakening. For example, if an alcoholic needs a drink, they feel increased self-esteem in certain situations, you drink to produce emotional reactions. He discovered that he was able to relax and not be so awkward when he drank. This reinforces his need for more alcohol, because it temporarily masks his self-esteem problem. Unfortunately, the guilt of having drunk too much, and the knowledge that he "needs" to drink to lower her self esteem even more, we need more alcohol to achieve the same temporary relief. Of course, we can not control the results without changing the actions have generated